Missouri Annual Conference Implicit Bias Course: What We Don't Think We Think
A resource for leaders, preachers, and congregations who want to learn and teach about implicit bias.
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This resource has been created for anyone who is interested in learning and teaching others about implicit bias. The learning engagements included in each section allow for individual work, group work, and sermon preparation. All of the learning engagements recognize and lift up the reality that context is known best by those on the ground. Thus, while this course provides multiple entry points for learning about, thinking through, and transforming action regarding implicit bias, it does not contextualize the information for you. Implicit Bias: What We Don’t Think We Think honors the contextual wisdom that you and others will bring to this material. Each exercise is an invitation to the sacred journey of discovering with your church and community how God is leading you to use this material faithfully within your context.
Your Instructor
From 2016 to 2021, the Rev. Dr. E. Michelle Ledder worked for the General Commission on Religion and Race as the Director of Anti-Racism Education, helping the United Methodist Church live into increasingly honorable forms of diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and racial equity. In Oct 2021, Chalice Press released her co-authored book, “Anti-Racism 4REALS: Real Time with Real Strategies in Real Time for Real Change” and, with her co-author, the Rev. Sheila M. Beckford, has been busy introducing the 4REALS method to groups ready to do anti-racism work, right now. Having written and facilitated hundreds of workshops and learning activities, Rev. Michelle has helped thousands of Christians – especially white Christians – do the work of anti-racism rather than just talk about it. Ordained in the 6th Episcopal District [Georgia], Rev. Ledder is an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. She currently serves as an Assistant Minister at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington DC, where the Rev. William Lamar, IV is pastor. Michelle just recently completed her PhD at Emory University with a focus on homiletics (the art and science of preaching) and pedagogy (the art and science of teaching). Her dissertation is entitled, "Both/And Anti-Racism Homiletics: Addressing the Dual Oppressor/Co-Conspirator Reality of 21st Century White Preachers Working to Interrupt and Dismantle Racism with Preaching.” She currently resides in Baltimore City with her pit/boxer mix Cashmere.